Hartmut Schwahn
studies whether myopia (induced by negative lenses or frosted occluders) and hyperopia (induced by positive lenses) are suppressed by flicker light of the same temporal parameters (frequency, duty cycle).

He finds that both types of myopia are the more suppressed the longer the dark phase between two light pulses (and the higher the ERG flicker amplitude). Suppression of hyperopia does not correlate with these parameters, indicating different temporal characteristics of the underlying retinal mechanisms.


His major project is to study the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) which plays a crucial role in myopia development since it controls the flux of messengers from the retina to the sclera.

He uses an isolated retina-RPE-choroid preparation from which ERGs can be recorded during drug application but also the release of dopamine.

Release of dopamine
after atropine application:

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